Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Polymers Are Forever... like Diamonds, Just Not as Shiny..

It's impressive how much plastic actually surrounds us. You think that just because you don't see it, it isn't there. Weisman thoroughly explains how filled with tiny molecular pieces of plastic the world is. He makes a good point of saying that it would be better if most plastic was made with UV-sensitive material, so that it can biodegrade faster, and thus being safer, especially for the wildlife of this Earth. However, he finds an exception as to where that plan would still fail, considering plastic in water. I agree with him when he states that we basically have our own form of rolls of papyrus, where hundreds, maybe even thousands of years from now, newspapers would still exist. It's easy to see, through this perspective, how great of a job we're doing at destroying the Earth little by little.

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